What Is Psychotherapy?

There is a lot more coverage on mental health in todays societies across the world  –  but there is still so much to do to reduce the stigma still attached to mental health. Wouldn’t it be great if we could approach our employers and inform them that our mental health is not at its best we we are addressing it with treatment without a fear of judgement of not being competent enough to fulfil the job?

Unfortunately,  due to this huge obstacle of shame around mental health challenges, a lot of individuals suffer in silence without treatment or having safe spaces to talk through their difficulties, so what could easily have been prevented at the early stages can develop into more acute mental health challenges and diagnosis.

Psychotherapy is a form of ‘talking therapy’ which supports the exploration and reflection of the connection between feelings, early years experiences and behaviours with a scope to provide resources and techniques which assist a more postiive and healthier outlook to maintaining a much more conducive, balanced and regular approach to life.

At Therawake we use Interpersonal, Person – Centred, Humanistic, Psychodynamic, Creative – Arts therapy, Integrative, Group and Cognitive – Behavioural approaches in delivering Psychotherapy to others.

Psychotherapy is provided by a registered psychotherapist or creative – arts psychotherapist to look more deeply into the narratives underneath the presenting symptoms and behaviours, addressing the underlying causes of a person’s problems as well as how to solve them, which can break historical, generational sabotaging behaviours.

Psychotherapy and Positive Outcomes

The positive outcomes of Psychotherapy consist of some or all of the following:

  • Reduction in anxiety and symptoms of depression
  • A broadened window of tolerance
  • The practice of Forgiving – this includes self, loved ones and those who have caused harm
  • Provide resources to help with the loss of loved ones
  • Overcoming shyness and low confidence
  • Understanding root causes for addictive behaviours

In order to get the best outcome from Psychotherapy, the client must try to be honest with their therapist without fear of judgement. This is incredibly difficult when there is a lot of shame, anxiety and feelings of guilt – but be reassured, it is a safe space to explore what has gone before.

All psychotherapists have to follow a code of ethics to consider the safety of the client in terms of risk of harm to self and others. In extreme circumstances of concern, the Psychotherapist may have to breach confidentiality and inform the client of this, if there is an imminent risk of harm to self, harm from others or to others by contacting relevant agencies or Next of Kin, if appropriate. Further helplines, information, support and signposting to specialist local and national services can be provided to clients.

I worked with Judy using her Dramatherapy approach. From our very first session, I felt really understood and heard by Judy, and she helped me to realise my feelings and experiences were valid. Judy helped me to regain some of my self-confidence again, and really worked hard with me to re-establish my self-worth and independence. I stopped our sessions as I had to start a specific form of treatment elsewhere, but I will be going back to sessions with Judy once my treatment is complete, because I really felt a huge positive shift in myself since working with her.

Training & Qualifications

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